The UMZU Cares Foundation
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Our Mission

The UMZU Cares Foundation's mission is to support and provide resources to health and wellness nonprofits throughout Colorado.

Who we are

The UMZU Cares foundation is based on guiding principles of purpose, innovation, sustainability, and authenticity. With these guiding principles UMZU Cares helps to...

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The UMZU Cares Foundation Values

Everyone has a purpose in life, and at UMZU Cares we want to help every person fulfill that purpose. Through improving the health and wellness resources of marginalized communities we can help everyone show up as the best versions of themselves so they can fulfill their purpose.
UMZU Cares supports being innovative and creative. We support initiatives that encourage innovation in the health and wellness community. From research to new ways to give we are here for you.
We only do work with people we believe in and who are truly authentic in their passion for their cause. Without genuine authenticity the initiatives we support would never get off the ground level.
The environment we live in is crucial to our health and well-being. We support sustainability efforts in all forms to ensure we are doing our due diligence of taking care of a world that lasts for all future generations.

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